Project 3

Low Fire Saggar
Project #3

Problem: Create a series of pieces that use different combustible materials for the saggar firing process.  

Objective: Learn how to load and fire pieces into constructed or pre-formed saggars . Become familiar with producing ware that utilizes different materials that will burn away marking your pieces.  Develop work that has a surface conducive to being marked by the burning away of combustible material.

Make several sketches of that explore variations in expression of your personal aesthetic. 

Produce a small body of work (5-10 pieces hand built or 15-20 pieces thrown on the wheel) using simplified forms with a combination of smooth and textured surfaces.  Approach the surface decoration as an experimentation process for your personal expression.  

Try different combinations of combustible material in layers that will burn away inside the saggar and mark your pieces.


Discuss the drawings you have made with your instructor as well as  possibilities for combustable material to mark the surface of your piece before beginning.

Make a series of simplified forms that will focus on the surface of the piece as a vehicle for recording the firing process.

All pieces should employ the use of multiple surface treatments in the forming stage such as burnishing, carving, and white slip decoration.

Construct a saggar while loading the kiln or make some ceramic saggars for the containment of the combustable material.

Find three different combustible materials to experiment with in an effort to discover the variations withi the technique.

Load each piece in a bisque fired saggar and place the combustable material around your piece in the saggar for a marking of the piece as the material burns away.

Try different temperatures ranging from cone 08-1

-Du not use volatile or toxic material such as solvents or plastic for your combustible.
-All saggars and pieces should be bisque fired before loading the kiln.
-Use only the raku kilns for saggar firing
-Do not fire low fire clay to high fire temperatures. 
-Do not confuse low fire clay with high fire clay.

student work by Jacob Thaden